By J.D. Rucker | Published 04/24/2007 | Car Buying |
Four-Square. Its one of the most common car deal worksheets used today. Its been around since the 80s. Its designed to rip customers off. How? Normally, the 4 numbers in the squares do not directly include the only one that is important: Trade Difference.
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How to Finance your Auto Loan and Save Monthly!
By Anna Josephs | Published 10/31/2006 | Car Buying |
Owning an auto has become a requirement of modern era. Getting an auto loan with a bad credit is challenging, but not impossible. Auto loan is available in different flavors in the financial market as per the needs and requirements of an individual. Bad credits are part of every human being. Today’s money lenders are well aware of it. Hence one can avail sustainable discounts and all shorts of cheap loans available from many auto loan lenders.
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Wholesale Club Gives Members Auto Buying Help
By Delores Watson | Published 05/21/2006 | Car Buying |
In the sixteen years time since SAM'S CLUB has been selling vehicles, auto trends have varied as much as the price of gas. What hasn't changed is the range of benefits offered to members of SAM'S CLUB Auto Buying Program. This program, which helps both businesses and individuals locate and finance an automobile or truck, offers members comprehensive auto services, including a ten percent discount on tire rotations, oil changes, and routine maintenance and service. In addition to selling new and used vehicles to their members, SAM'S CLUB Auto Buying Program also sells other vehicles, including boats and RVs. Business owners can also purchase commercial vehicles from SAM'S CLUB.
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Choosing the Right Lift Kit for Your Teenagers Truck or SUV
Thinking about a used car Nervous about what's under the hood Used car dealers are feeling your pain all the way to the bank. In an ironic twist, "pre-owned vehicle" dealers have found a way to profit from their bad reputation.