It can be very much said that the Mazda RX-8 is the kind of vehicle that has made heads turn and eyes stare. And this vehicle has certainly been the reason as per why the Mazda rotary engine still continues to live in the industry. As a sports car, the Mazda RX-8 is quite unique on its own.
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Electric Scooters - A Thrilling Ride for All Ages!
By Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C. | Published 11/30/2005 | Motorcycles |
Looking for some new excitement in your life? Want to find it cheap? Imagine the adrenalin rush you’re going to experience behind the handlebars of an electric scooter.
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Embedded in the Ride
By Richard Keir | Published 10/1/2005 | Motorcycles |
Some thoughts on what riding a motorcycle is all about and why we do it.