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Additional Tips For Auction Bidders
By ron victor | Published 09/12/2007 | Real Estate |
Property auction takes place for huge kinds of properties available in the market for sale. Auction is said to be the most required and essential part for commercial auction property. Property will be auctioned based on the basic requirement of the public and the person who list for auction.
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How to add £10,00 to the value of your home
By Nilesh Gohil | Published 04/25/2007 | Real Estate |
When youre selling your home, you can use simple methods favoured by professional property developers to add £10,000 to the asking price. There are very few houses that wont benefit from one of these methods, according to the experts on property website www.PublicAngel.com. They have issued their top six tips for boosting the price of a house. And they believe that sometimes you can combine two or three methods to add more than £10,000 to the asking price.
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Sell Real Estate Property by Yourself
By ron victor | Published 04/25/2007 | Real Estate |
Selling the real estate property without the help of the real estate agent will helps the owner to maximize his profit. When the sellers list the property in the market, he should list the real estate property with adequate information regarding the property. Selling the real estate property without seeking the help of the real estate agent will makes the seller to know the entire process taking place in the contract.
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Benefits Of House Property
By ron victor | Published 04/24/2007 | Real Estate |
When house property is purchased by the buyer, he finds many benefits in its purchase. Only when the buyers finds adequate benefits in the house property, he will goes on for further continuation of the house transaction.
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Beware! Appreciation Can Kill…
By Matthew Trainer | Published 11/2/2006 | Investing , Real Estate |
Investing in real estate has changed. It's much harder these days to make money since so many investors have relied on appreciation too heavily. Find out the right way to invest in real estate.
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